Rebecca Palmer Comments On ‘Blind Side’ Case
In a news segment that aired on Fox 35 Orlando on 8/14, attorney Rebecca L. Palmer discussed the recent lawsuit filed by retired NFL player Michael Oher, alleging that Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy, the couple who took him into their home, misled the athlete into signing a legal document making them his conservators. The document, signed months after Oher became a legal adult, allowed the Tuohys to make decisions about Oher’s financial future on his behalf.
The story of Oher’s “adoption” by the Tuohys was featured in the Oscar-winning 2009 film “The Blind Side.”
“How did he not know, unless he was completely misled?” Palmer said in the interview segment. “Which is very possible.”
Furthermore, Oher’s filing alleges that the couple’s conservatorship allowed the family to make millions of dollars off of their life story, as featured in the movie; Oher maintains that he received no such compensation for the film rights to his own story, despite the couple still referring to him as their adopted son.
The Fox 35 segment reported that conservatorships are typically applied in situations where people cannot make their own legal decisions due to a disability.
“It’s going to take a little while to figure out what…was agreed to, not agreed to,” Palmer said in the interview.
Click here to watch the interview.