Conversation With Rebecca Palmer Esq. on Law Changes in Parenting, Paternity and Timesharing
In the latest episode of MediateThis!, Rebecca Palmer Esq. and Matthew Brickman discuss the recent legislative changes in Florida regarding almost everything under the umbrella of parenting. They answer questions on parenting plans, child visitation, child education, schools, parental rights, divorce, paternity, and more.
When discussing how ex-spouses should navigate co-parenting, Rebecca shared, “Number one, whatever’s going on with you two. It’s not about your kids. Number two, what would you want as a kid? You know, what would you want? Do you care if you’re driving mom’s car, dad’s car? Do you want your dog to come back and forth with you? You know, what would you want? Number three, make holidays as cohesive as possible. It’s not a competition. Number four, who are you proving yourself to? Number five, it does not end at 18. You guys are going to be hopefully there at the wedding together of your children. You’re going to help them through everything in life and college and college graduation. Don’t think of raising a child as 18. Think of a child as a lifetime achievement.”
To listen to the full episode, click here to listen.