Paid Family Leave Carries a Strong ROI

In an article published on 6/21, Rebecca Palmer discusses the importance paid family leave has on work life and relationships. In the article, she examines the history of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the evidence that family leave decreases divorce rates, and the positive impact family leave packages have on recruitment, retention, and divorce rates.

Family leave is critical as it helps relieve the burden of childcare from one parent, traditionally the mother, and also provides time for both parents to connect with the newborn,

“Sharing responsibilities during those stressful early weeks has also been found to reduce the probability of divorce; just one week of leave reduces the risk of divorce by nearly 30%. With approximately 50% of marriages ending in divorce, leave is a simple way to strengthen the odds,” she writes.

Moreover, Rebecca addresses the importance of mental and physical health in the workplace. She writes, “As a business owner, woman, mom, sister, and daughter, I believe there should be supplemental support set aside to take care of life that happens outside work without the stress of losing employment or income. Even though paid family leave isn’t required for all businesses, I have seen the return on investment in mental and physical health in the workplace; improved relationships with spouses and families; and, yes, joyful Instagram posts!”

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