Seeds of Change for our Planet and Mental Health this Earth Day

earth day divorceAn article published in the Daily Business Review written by Rebecca Palmer discusses family activities that can be enjoyed as part of celebration for Earth Day on April 22. Palmer discusses how involving your children in home-based or community activities for the environment can redirect negative feelings into positive outcomes. Palmer recommends activities such as planting trees together or even engaging in in a neighborhood cleanup effort.

“Beyond the immediate benefits of beautifying your community, participating in a clean-up event offers valuable lessons about waste reduction, taking care of the environment, and creating a safer place for residents and visitors alike,” Palmer writes. “By turning the outdoor clean-up into a friendly rivalry to see who can collect the most trash, you both provide motivation as well as foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork with your children and their friends—and maybe even your ex.”

Other activities she recommends include eco-friendly craft activities this Earth Day and starting a composting bin at home.

“Though every day is a good day to celebrate and protect Mother Earth, it’s important to instill in your children a long-term sense of responsibility and stewardship for the planet we all share,” Palmer writes. “So, step outside this Earth Day and join your children in positively impacting the world by planting mental and physical seeds of change.”

Read the story in full; click here (subscriber-based).