The Failing of Florida House Bill 1395

gb 1395Rebecca Palmer lends her voice in opposition to HB 1395 in her latest guest column. She says that if House Bill 1395 passes, it will be a catastrophic failure in protecting children. “The provision would create a presumption that a 50/50 timesharing custodial schedule would be in the best interest of minor children,” writes Rebecca. “Shared parental responsibility is the idea that both parents are equally involved in making decisions on behalf of their child, which cannot be split into equal parts. This provision can also endanger a child’s welfare in the event of an addicted, abusive, or absentee parent.”

Rebecca says that “as a family law attorney with more than 25 years of experience, I know there is no one-size-fits-all solution for the dissolution of the marriage process with consenting adults. Any blanket presumption made to support a child’s best interest is misguided and ultimately ends up hurting the children it is intended to protect. It is unfathomable that the Florida courts would consider a “catch-all” bill that would cover divorce and custodial rights.”

To read the story in full, click here.