Most everyone knows that the true victims of a divorce are the children involved in same. In an effort to lessen the negative and emotional impact on children subject to a divorce, a team of bipartisan experts have come together to create what is known as the Parental Reform Reduction Act (“Act”). The Act is a proposal to reduce an unnecessary divorce.
A New York Times article titled, “When Divorce is a Family Affair” by Beverly Willett (see attached)… introduces the Act and provides a link within the article to the homepage for the Coalition for Divorce Reform where you may review a quick summary of the Act. It will be interesting to see whether the Act, if passed, will actually prevent divorces that many feel are too easy to obtain and whether that will absolve the trauma a child suffers when subject to divorce; or alternatively, whether it will be more traumatic for a child whose parents keep their marriage intact for the child, which actually results in more trauma, because it would have been in the best interests of the child for their parents to be separated.