Rebuild Your Nest Egg After a Divorce

We often find that when it is time to divide the parties’ assets one, or…

Non-Marital Values of Accounts in a Divorce

From the onset of your case, you might want to consider contacting the…

6 Ways Your Marriage Problems Might Be Like The Fiscal Cliff

It’s been hard to avoid all the talk about the economic “Fiscal Cliff” over the…

Parental Reform Reduction Act

Most everyone knows that the true victims of a divorce are the children…

A Millionaire’s Wife Gets a Prenup Thrown Out

It is common knowledge among Family Law attorneys that the method or methods to…

Florida Alimony Reform Bill Update

The Florida alimony reform bill, discussed in previous blog entries, has…

Overhaul of Florida Alimony Laws Appears Headed for Passage

A major overhaul of Florida alimony law will get to the Senate floor for debate…

Foreign Domestic Law May Be Abolished in Florida

There is much discussion and controversy surrounding the potential changes to…

Explaining Divorce to a Child

Explaining divorce to a child is often a daunting, seemingly impossible task.…

Qualities to Look for in a Divorce Attorney

The internet is inundated with suggested lists of questions to ask your…