Explaining Divorce to a Child

Explaining divorce to a child is often a daunting, seemingly impossible task.…

Qualities to Look for in a Divorce Attorney

The internet is inundated with suggested lists of questions to ask your…

Dramatic Changes to Divorce Currently Being Considered by the Florida Politicians

We who practice in the area of divorce law of law, as well as our clients, have…

Sale of Marital Home

Over the past few years, we have seen the sale of the marital home during a…

Reopening Plans for Domestic Divisions in Orange & Osceola Courts

Orange and Osceola Courts have announced reopening plans for domestic divisions…

collaborative law orlando divorce attorney

How Can a Divorce be "Collaborative"?

What is Collaborative Law? Collaborative law is a team approach in a divorce…

Threats During Divorce

Most of the time, these threats are used to scare the other party  or use it as…

Beware: Halloween CoParenting

Beware: Halloween Co-Parenting Beware halloween coparenting: For some parents,…

What's after mediation?

So, you've been through your divorce mediation. This doesn't mean your divorce…

Parenting Plan not working?

It's fairly common for there to be bumps in your parenting plan but the good…