Dating During Your Divorce

If you’re in the midst of a divorce and have been in the dating world or you have been in a relationship for a while, you might think that the time is right to introduce your significant other to yourRelationships during divorce child and possibly your future ex. If this is something that you’re nervous about, rightfully so. Read on for more helpful tools with how to handle this issue. 

How new relationships can affect divorce proceedings: 

Below are just a few things to keep in mind that could help guide you in deciding the appropriate time to introduce your significant other to your spouse:

  • How are communications between you and your spouse now? 
  • What brought on the divorce? 
  • Do you and your spouse have children together? 
  • Put yourself in your spouse’s shoes and think about how he or she would feel after learning about your new relationship. 

Whether you or your spouse initiated the divorce, introducing a new relationship into the mix of a divorce can be a touchy subject that can affect how negotiations proceed in your case. Another aspect you may want to discuss with an attorney is whether your new relationship can result in a dissipation of marital assets. Also, remember, whatever you share on social media can be used in your case!

How relationships can affect children in divorce: 

Here are some things to consider in deciding the right time to introduce your significant other to your child(ren): 

  • How many children do you have and how old are they?
  • How long have you been dating your significant other? 
  • How serious is your relationship with your significant other? 
  • Has your spouse met your significant other?

Deciding the right time to share your significant other with your child(ren) is an important decision that should be proceeded with care. Depending on your family’s circumstances, your child(ren) may not be ready to face the fact that his or her parents are splitting up, that their life is changing, and that he or she may be spending a tremendous amount of time with your new significant other. In deciding the right time to introduce your significant other, it may also help to speak with a mental health professional who has experience with divorcing families. 

For more information or to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys, contact the Rebecca L. Palmer Law Group at (407) 757-2883 or send an email. We’re here for you.