8 questions to see how you measure up as a coparent!
- Can you be flexible with your ex?
- Can you choose your ex first for childcare when needed?
- Do you both have a basic level of agreement on important issues such as childcare, education, extra curricular activities, discipline, and spiritual upbringing?
- You have no desire to manipulate and feel that your ex would not do so either?
- Can you be open about schedule changes and collaborate?
- Do you want your children to view you as “they get along”?
- Can you attend school functions with your ex there without tension?
- Can you consistently remind your children that their mom/dad (your ex) is such an important part of their lives?
Did you answer “yes” to the majority of those? If so, looks like you’ll be a rockstar coparent! It’s all about the kids, isn’t it?
If you didn’t answer “yes” to a lot of these and fear that coparenting isn’t for you, not to worry! You may be in need of something called “parallel parenting”. We’ll follow up on that topic for you soon but should you have immediate questions, call us! We’re #HereForYou 407-757-2883